Imagine you could take the best bits of your training and replicate them every time you compete.
How good would you be?
Could you be achieving more by doing less?
Could you be learning and improving quicker than you are?
These are just some of the questions that Olympic psychologist Charlie Unwin explores in his 2017 winter talks and video exploring the mental habits of highly effective riders in training. Using cutting-edge research to look at what the future might hold and insights from some of the world’s best riders and elite performers, Charlie will share the mental routines and psychological techniques used in training to make huge gains in competition.
“In my experience we learn less about the mindset of world-class performers from the 5% of time they spend in competition, and more from the 95% of time they spend in training. Get into the wrong habits and we dramatically limit our potential, get into the rights habits and we might be surprised what we are capable of achieving.”
Charlie Unwin
With over 2,000 competitive riders attending Charlie’s talks and workshops in 2016, his NEW talk will help you to…
Achieve greater performance gains in less time
Train in a way that makes you more confident and mentally prepared for competition
Recognise and avoid the negative effects of social media whilst maximising the positive effects
Apply “Inside-Out” thinking as a tool for continuous improvement & goal-setting
Use Mental Simulation to enhance the quality and control of your training
Train yourself to stay focused and manage distractions more effectively
Train your intuitions so that you make better decisions without thinking
The talk is relevant to competitive riders of all levels, as well as coaches and parents.